Nashville Headshot Photography
Nashville Headshots
How it works:
If you are interested in booking a session, you can book directly on the website but I will also give you a call and we will go over everything. We will discuss professional hair and makeup which is included in your session fee. I send you a prep guide too that goes over all we talked about, and a wardrobe consult as well.
Your headshot session will be relaxed, fun, and aimed at helping you FEEL confident and comfortable.
I will guide you through posing, expressions, and finding what looks best on you.
- Time is as much as you need-so you won't feel rushed and get exactly what you are looking for. A typical session is 1-1.5 hours. Makeup takes about 1 hour before your session.
- Variety is good so for wardrobe bring a good selection-everything that you think MIGHT work items and we'll choose those together at the start of the session.
- HAVE A FUN headshot shoot at my studio in the Green Hills neighborhood of Nashville.
- I shoot right to my computer and we'll review your Headshots and portraits after and select the ones you want at the end of the session.
- Images go out for retouching.
- I'll send you your images to download with a guide on how to use them!